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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

~~NOTOC~~ <WRAP main> ====== ABSim&CA ====== Agent-Based Simulation & Cellular Automata \\ First International Workshop @ ACRI 2014 \\ Krakòw (Poland), September 22, 2014 \\ www.acri2014.agh.edu.pl/doku.php ===== Chairs ===== **Stefania Bandini** \\ Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence Research Center \\ University of Milano-Bicocca \\ bandini@disco.unimib.it **Kurt Dopfer**\\ University of St. Gallen\\ kurt.dopfer@unisg.ch **Giuseppe Vizzari**\\ Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence Research Center\\ University of Milano-Bicocca \\ giuseppe-vizzari@disco.unimib.it </WRAP>