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~~NOTOC~~ <WRAP main> ====== Conference Chairs ====== * [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/~jarek/ | Jaroslaw Was]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * [[http://gsirak.ee.duth.gr | Georgios Sirakoulis]] (Democritus University of Thrace - Greece) ====== Steering Committee ====== * [[http://www.csai.disco.unimib.it/CSAI/Bandini/ | Stefania Bandini]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://cui.unige.ch/~chopard/| Bastien Chopard]] (University of Geneva - Switzerland) * [[http://www.bio.disco.unimib.it/~mauri/ | Giancarlo Mauri]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://journalogy.net/Author/2602082 | Hiroshi Umeo]] (University of Osaka Electro-Communication - Japan) * [[http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~thw/ | Thomas Worsch]](University of Karlsruhe - Germany) ====== Programme Committee ====== * [[http://uncomp.uwe.ac.uk/adamatzky/ |Andrew Adamatzky]] (University of the West of England - UK) * [[http://users.ugent.be/~jbaetens/| Jan Baetens]] (Ghent University – Belgium) * [[http://francobagnoli.complexworld.net/en| Franco Bagnoli]] (University of Florence - Italy) * [[http://www.csai.disco.unimib.it/CSAI/Bandini/ | Stefania Bandini]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://ssd.sscc.ru/personalinfo/band.htm | Olga Bandman]] (Moscow Energetic Institute - Russia) * [[http://www.csu.edu.au/faculty/business/comp-math/staff/profiles/professorial-staff/terry-bossomaier | Terry Bossomaier]] (Charles Sturt University - Australia) * [[http://cui.unige.ch/~chopard/| Bastien Chopard]] (University of Geneva - Switzerland) * [[http://www.becs.ac.in/aboutsukanta-das-itmenuitem| Sukanta Das]] (Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur - India) * [[http://www.fislab.disco.unimib.it/doku.php/people/alberto_dennunzio | Alberto Dennunzio]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://theobio.mtbio.de/imc/index.php?deutsch | Andreas Deutsch]] (Dresden University of Technology - Germany) * [[https://www.mat.unical.it/pers/docenti/digregorio/digregorio.html| Salvatore Di Gregorio]] (University of Calabria - Italy) * [[http://www.kermit.ugent.be/index.php| Bernand De Baets]] (Ghent University – Belgium) * [[http://professor.mackenzie.br/pedrob/ | Pedro de Oliveira]] (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - Brazil) * [[http://mpej.unige.ch/~droz/ | Michel Droz]] (University of Geneva - Switzerland) * [[http://www.icsr.agh.edu.pl/~dzwinel/ | Witold Dzwinel]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * [[http://perso.univ-perp.fr/yacoubi/ | Samira El Yacoubi]] (University of Perpignan - France) * [[http://www.loria.fr/~fates/ | Nazim Fatès]] (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est - France) * [[http://www.eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp/eecs/isokawa/ | Teijiro Isokawa ]] (University of Hyogo - Japan) * [[http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/j/Jim=eacute=nez=Morales:Francisco.html | Francisco Jiménez Morales]] (University of Santa Clara - Spain) * [[http://iscbc.ge.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/c/staff/n_komatsuzaki.html | Toshihiko Komatsuzaki]] (Kanazawa University - Japan) * [[http://www.ftj.agh.edu.pl/~kulakowski/| Krzysztof Kułakowski]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * [[http://www.informatik.uni-giessen.de/staff/kutrib.html | Martin Kutrib]] (Universität Gießen - Germany) * [[http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/l/Lee:Jia.html | Jia Lee]] (Chongqing University - China) * [[http://lizier.me/joseph/ | Joseph Lizier]] (CSIRO Computational Informatics - Australia) * [[http://www.isical.ac.in/~pmaji/ | Pradipta Maji]] (Indian Statistical Institute - India) * [[http://paula.univ.gda.pl/~fizdm/ME/ | Danuta Makowiec]] (Gdansk University - Poland) * [[http://www.csai.disco.unimib.it/CSAI/space/start/people/founders/Sara+Manzoni | Sara Manzoni]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://www.lita.univ-metz.fr/~margens/index_gb.html | Maurice Margenstern]] (Université Paul Verlaine - METZ - France) * [[http://uncomp.uwe.ac.uk/genaro/home.html | Genaro J. Martínez]] (University of the West of England - Mexico) * [[http://www.eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp/eecs/matsui/index-e.html | Nobuyuki Matsui]] (University of Hyogo - Japan) * [[http://www.bio.disco.unimib.it/~mauri/ | Giancarlo Mauri]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://www.helmholtz-hzi.de/en/research/research_topics/immune_response/systems_immunology/ | Michael Meyer-Hermann]] (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research - Germany) * [[http://mathstat.carleton.ca/~amingare/ | Angelo Mingarelli]] (Carleton University - Canada) * [[http://read.jst.go.jp/public/cs_ksh_008EventAction.do?action4=event&lang_act4=E&judge_act4=2&knkysh_name_code=5000052277| Shin Morishita]] (Yokohama National University - Japan) * [[http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tknishi/info_e.html | Katsuhiro Nishinari]] (University of Tokyo - Japan) * [[http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/n/Nishio:Hidenosuke.html | Hidenosuke Nishio]] (University of Kyoto - Japan) * [[http://www.ki.agh.edu.pl/en/staff/topa-pawel| Paweł Topa]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * [[http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/fac-profiles/showprofile.php?empcode=aYmdX|Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury]] (Indian Institute of Technology - India) * [[http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~sered/ | Franciszek Seredynski]] (Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland) * [[http://www.ecltech.org/ecltech_j/index.php/allpubs/workconfpro.html?view=member&id=9&task=show | Roberto Serra]] (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Italy) * [[http://www.becs.ac.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=637:cst-biplabksikdar | Biplab K. Sikdar]] (Bengal Engineering and Science University - India) * [[http://gsirak.ee.duth.gr | Georgios Sirakoulis]] (Democritus University of Thrace - Greece) * [[http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/talia/ | Domenico Talia]] (University of Calabria - Italy) * [[http://staff.science.uva.nl/~leen/ | Leen Torenvliet]] (University of Amsterdam - The Netherlands) * [[http://journalogy.net/Author/2602082 | Hiroshi Umeo]] (University of Osaka Electro-Communication - Japan) * [[http://www.lintar.disco.unimib.it/space/Persone/Dott.+Giuseppe+Vizzari/Giuseppe+Vizzari+%28english%29 | Giuseppe Vizzari]] (University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy) * [[http://science.athabascau.ca/staff-pages/burtv/ | Burton Voorhees]] (University of Athabasca - Canada) * [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/~jarek/ | Jaroslaw Was]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * [[http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~thw/ | Thomas Worsch]] (University of Karlsruhe - Germany) ====== Organizing Committee ====== * [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/~edyta/index.html | Edyta Kucharska]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * Robert Lubas (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * Marcin Mycek (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * Jakub Porzycki (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) * [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/~jarek/ | Jaroslaw Was]] (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) </WRAP>