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~~NOTOC~~ <WRAP main> ====== Submission ====== Authors are invited to electronically submit their paper using [[http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors?SGWID=0-40209-0-0-0|LNCS format]], written in English, of up to 10 single spaced pages in [[http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0|LNCS style]], presenting their original and unpublished research relevant to the conference. All paper submissions will be done electronically, as indicated in the conference web site. All papers will be peer reviewed and final copies of papers for inclusion in the conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the [[http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-0-0-0|Lecture Notes in Computer Science]] series and will be available by the time of the conference. The easychair conference system will be used for submission and reviewing process. Please address all inquiries regarding the paper submission procedure to acri2014@agh.edu.pl. ===== Paper Review ===== This is a fully refereed symposium. Papers submitted to ACRI 2014 must not have been previously published and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed with an emphasis on potential to contribute to the state of the art in the field. Each paper will receive at least two PC reviews; selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results, and presentation quality. ===== Paper Publication ===== All accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings, which will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). In submitting a paper the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final manuscript in time for inclusion into the published proceedings and will present the paper at the symposium. The final manuscript will not be published without advance registration. At least one author must register at the full registration rate, extra pages and/or color pages must be paid, and the [[http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/copyrightlncs.pdf?SGWID=0-0-45-154182-0|copyright form]] must be signed to allow publication of a paper in the proceedings. ===== Paper Submission ===== All paper submissions will be handled electronically through our online web submission system and must be uploaded by March 19, 2014. The submission of your paper must be in PDF file format (5MB max size). Authors would be able to update/change their paper submission(s) before the deadline. It is important to note that, all the information submitted must be error free, since it will be used for reviewing purposes and to generate the final symposium program and proceedings. ===== Page Limit ===== A complete paper should be submitted in camera ready format for review purposes. The length should match that intended for final publication. Papers accepted for the conference will be allocated 10 pages in the proceedings, with the option of purchasing up to 2 extra pages for $100 per page (to be paid after paper acceptance at the time of registration for the symposium.) So, if you are unwilling or unable to pay the extra charge you should limit yourself to 10 pages. Otherwise the page limit is 12 pages. All paper submissions will be handled electronically through our online web submission system. Please include the extra page charges with your ACRI 2014 registration. ===== Paper Formatting ===== To format your paper, please use the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) formatting instructions closely. Springer will eventually re-format all papers to produce the camera-ready pdf versions using the same formatting instructions. Therefore, if an author has squashed his or her paper by removing vertical spaces or changing font sizes, etc., the final pdf will cover more pages and additional page charges will apply. The following files can assist you in meeting the formatting requirements: * ACRI submission LaTeX2e template, which contains llncs.cls class. {{:kis_config:llncs2e.zip|Latex2e}} * ACRI submission MS Word template, which contains sv-lncs.dot template. {{:kis_config:csproceedings_authortools_word_2003.zip|MS Word 2003}} {{:kis_config:splnproc1110.zip|MS Word 2007}} * A Sample file, which contains detailed formatting instructions and Possibly some other files in LNCS web site for users of other word-processors {{:kis_config:typeinst.zip|Sample file}} After the conference, refereed volumes of selected proceedings containing extended papers will be organized as special issues of ISI international journals like [[http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/JCA/JCA.html|Journal of Cellular Automata]]. </WRAP>